Uses of Class

Packages that use MorphException
net.sf.morph.context Defines Contexts and how they can participate in hierarchies. 
net.sf.morph.lang Defines basic Languages used to retrieve and set information in bean-like objects. 
net.sf.morph.reflect Defines notions of "bean-like" and "container-like" holders of information by definining a standard API for accessing such information. Support interfaces and classes used by the net.sf.morph.reflector package. 
net.sf.morph.transform Defines a standard way to transform information from one format or source to another. 
net.sf.morph.wrap Defines an API for manipulating data in a stateful manner. 

Uses of MorphException in net.sf.morph.context

Subclasses of MorphException in net.sf.morph.context
 class ContextException
          An exception related to accessing the information stored in a context.

Uses of MorphException in net.sf.morph.lang

Subclasses of MorphException in net.sf.morph.lang
 class InvalidExpressionException
          Indicates an invalid expression was detected.
 class LanguageException
          Thrown to indicate that an error occurred while accessing or modifying information using a given Language.

Uses of MorphException in net.sf.morph.reflect

Subclasses of MorphException in net.sf.morph.reflect
 class NoReflectorFoundException
          Exception thrown to indicate a suitable reflector for a reflection operation could not be found.
 class ReflectionException
          Indicates an error occurred accessing or manipulating information while using a Reflector.

Uses of MorphException in

Methods in that throw MorphException
protected  void ResultSetIterator.advanceToNextRow()
protected  void ResultSetIterator.handleResultSetNextException(java.sql.SQLException e)

Uses of MorphException in net.sf.morph.transform

Subclasses of MorphException in net.sf.morph.transform
 class TransformationException

Uses of MorphException in net.sf.morph.wrap

Subclasses of MorphException in net.sf.morph.wrap
 class WrapperException

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