Uses of Interface

Packages that use Reflector
net.sf.morph.integration.velocity Integration with Apache Velocity. 
net.sf.morph.reflect Defines notions of "bean-like" and "container-like" holders of information by definining a standard API for accessing such information. 
net.sf.morph.reflect.reflectors Reflector implementations. 
net.sf.morph.transform.transformers Transformer implementations. 
net.sf.morph.util Utility classes used to implement the Morph framework. Support interfaces and classes used by the net.sf.morph.wrap package. 

Uses of Reflector in net.sf.morph.integration.velocity

Classes in net.sf.morph.integration.velocity that implement Reflector
 class VelocityContextReflector
          Exposes the information in a Context.

Uses of Reflector in net.sf.morph.reflect

Subinterfaces of Reflector in net.sf.morph.reflect
 interface BeanReflector
          Exposes information available in 'bean-like' structures.
 interface CompositeReflector
          A reflector that is composed of multiple component reflectors.
 interface ContainerReflector
          Exposes information available in 'container-like' structures.
 interface DecoratedReflector
           An extension of the Reflector interface that defines extra methods.
 interface GrowableContainerReflector
          A reflector for 'container-like' structures that do not have a fixed size.
 interface IndexedContainerReflector
          A reflector for 'container-like' structures that have a logical ordering which can be used to retrieve elements at a specific index within the structure.
 interface InstantiatingReflector
          A reflector that can instantiate objects.
 interface MutableIndexedContainerReflector
          A reflector for an indexed structure that allows modification of an element at a given index.
 interface SizableReflector
          A reflector that can tell how many elements are contained in a given object.

Uses of Reflector in net.sf.morph.reflect.reflectors

Classes in net.sf.morph.reflect.reflectors that implement Reflector
 class ArrayReflector
          A container reflector for Arrays.
 class BaseBeanReflector
          Convenient base class for BeanReflectors.
 class BaseCompositeReflector
 class BaseContainerReflector
          Convenient base class for ContainerReflectors.
 class BaseReflector
           Convenient base class for Reflectors.
 class BaseServletReflector
          Base class for reflectors that reflect objects from the Servlet API.
 class CollectionReflector
          A reflector for Collections.
 class ContextReflector
          A reflector that can expose the properties of any Context.
 class DynaBeanReflector
 class EnumerationReflector
          Exposes the information available in a java.util.Enumeration.
 class HttpSessionAttributeReflector
          Exposes HTTP session attributes.
 class IteratorReflector
          Exposes the information available in a java.util.Iterator.
 class ListReflector
          A reflector for Lists.
 class MapReflector
          Reflector for Maps that allows a map to be treated both as a container and as a bean.
 class ObjectReflector
           A Reflector that exposes the properties of any Object as they are defined by the JavaBeans specification.
 class PageContextAttributeReflector
          Exposes page context attributes.
 class ReflectorDecorator
          A wrapper for Reflectors that allows any reflector to implement DecoratedReflector.
 class ResetableIteratorWrapperReflector
          Exposes the information available in a ResetableIteratorWrapper.
 class ResultSetReflector
           Exposes the information in a ResultSet.
 class ServletContextAttributeReflector
          Exposes servlet context attributes.
 class ServletContextInitParameterReflector
          Exposes the init-parameters of a ServletContext.
 class ServletRequestAttributeReflector
          Exposes servlet request attributes.
 class ServletRequestParameterReflector
          Exposes servlet request parameters.
 class ServletRequestReflector
          ServletRequest reflector.
 class SetReflector
          Exposes the information found in a Set.
 class SimpleDelegatingReflector
          Reflector that can be used to combine multiple bean reflectors.
 class SimpleInstantiatingReflector
          A basic instantiating reflector that allows an arbitrary number of requested class types to be mapped to instantiated types.
 class SortedSetReflector
          Exposes the information found in a SortedSet.
 class StringTokenizerReflector
          Reflector for StringTokenizers.
 class StubbornDelegatingReflector

Methods in net.sf.morph.reflect.reflectors that return Reflector
protected  Reflector[] SimpleDelegatingReflector.createDefaultComponents()
protected  Reflector ReflectorDecorator.getReflector()
protected  Reflector SimpleDelegatingReflector.getReflector(java.lang.Class reflectorType, java.lang.Class reflectedType)

Methods in net.sf.morph.reflect.reflectors with parameters of type Reflector
protected  void ReflectorDecorator.setReflector(Reflector reflector)

Constructors in net.sf.morph.reflect.reflectors with parameters of type Reflector
ReflectorDecorator(Reflector reflector)
SimpleDelegatingReflector(Reflector[] components)
          Construct a new SimpleDelegatingReflector.
SimpleDelegatingReflector(Reflector[] components, boolean appendDefaultComponents)
          Construct a new SimpleDelegatingReflector.

Uses of Reflector in net.sf.morph.transform.transformers

Methods in net.sf.morph.transform.transformers that return Reflector
protected  Reflector BaseTransformer.createDefaultReflector()
          Create the default reflector instance to be used by this Transformer.
protected  Reflector TypeChangingGraphTransformer.createReflector()
 Reflector BaseTransformer.getReflector()
          Get the Reflector employed by this Transformer.
protected  Reflector BaseTransformer.getReflector(java.lang.Class reflectorType)
          Get the Reflector of the specified type employed by this Transformer.

Methods in net.sf.morph.transform.transformers with parameters of type Reflector
 void BaseTransformer.setReflector(Reflector reflector)
          Set the Reflector to be used by this Transformer.

Uses of Reflector in net.sf.morph.util

Methods in net.sf.morph.util with parameters of type Reflector
static boolean ReflectorUtils.isReflectable(Reflector reflector, java.lang.Class reflectedType, java.lang.Class reflectorType)
          Indicates whether the given reflector can support the operations specified in reflectorType when reflecting instances of reflectedType.
static boolean ReflectorUtils.isReflectable(Reflector reflector, java.lang.Object reflectedObject, java.lang.Class reflectorType)
          Indicates whether the given reflector can support the operations specified in reflectorType when reflecting reflectedObject.

Uses of Reflector in

Methods in that return Reflector
 Reflector DefaultWrapperInvocationHandler.getReflector()
          Get the reflector.

Methods in with parameters of type Reflector
 void DefaultWrapperInvocationHandler.setReflector(Reflector reflector)
          Set the reflector.

Constructors in with parameters of type Reflector
DefaultWrapperInvocationHandler(java.lang.Object wrapped, Reflector reflector)
          Create a new DefaultWrapperInvocationHandler.

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