Uses of Class

Packages that use BaseBeanReflector
net.sf.morph.integration.velocity Integration with Apache Velocity. 
net.sf.morph.reflect.reflectors Reflector implementations. 

Uses of BaseBeanReflector in net.sf.morph.integration.velocity

Subclasses of BaseBeanReflector in net.sf.morph.integration.velocity
 class VelocityContextReflector
          Exposes the information in a Context.

Uses of BaseBeanReflector in net.sf.morph.reflect.reflectors

Subclasses of BaseBeanReflector in net.sf.morph.reflect.reflectors
 class BaseServletReflector
          Base class for reflectors that reflect objects from the Servlet API.
 class ContextReflector
          A reflector that can expose the properties of any Context.
 class DynaBeanReflector
 class HttpSessionAttributeReflector
          Exposes HTTP session attributes.
 class ObjectReflector
           A Reflector that exposes the properties of any Object as they are defined by the JavaBeans specification.
 class PageContextAttributeReflector
          Exposes page context attributes.
 class ResultSetReflector
           Exposes the information in a ResultSet.
 class ServletContextAttributeReflector
          Exposes servlet context attributes.
 class ServletContextInitParameterReflector
          Exposes the init-parameters of a ServletContext.
 class ServletRequestAttributeReflector
          Exposes servlet request attributes.
 class ServletRequestParameterReflector
          Exposes servlet request parameters.

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