Uses of Interface

Packages that use ExplicitTransformer
net.sf.morph.integration.commons.beanutils Integration with Apache Commons Beanutils. 
net.sf.morph.integration.commons.collections Integration with Apache Commons Collections. 
net.sf.morph.transform Defines a standard way to transform information from one format or source to another. 
net.sf.morph.transform.converters Converter implementations. 
net.sf.morph.transform.copiers Copier implementations. 
net.sf.morph.transform.transformers Transformer implementations. 

Uses of ExplicitTransformer in net.sf.morph.integration.commons.beanutils

Classes in net.sf.morph.integration.commons.beanutils that implement ExplicitTransformer
 class BeanUtilsConverter
          A converter which delegates to Commons BeanUtils.

Uses of ExplicitTransformer in net.sf.morph.integration.commons.collections

Classes in net.sf.morph.integration.commons.collections that implement ExplicitTransformer
 class TransformerToDecoratedConverterAdapter
          Adapt a org.apache.commons.collections.Transformer to our DecoratedConverter interface.

Uses of ExplicitTransformer in net.sf.morph.transform

Subinterfaces of ExplicitTransformer in net.sf.morph.transform
 interface DecoratedConverter
           An extension of the Converter interface that defines a few more convenient methods.
 interface DecoratedCopier
           An extension of the Copier interface that defines a few more convenient methods.
 interface DecoratedTransformer
           An extension of the Transformer interface that defines extra methods.

Uses of ExplicitTransformer in net.sf.morph.transform.converters

Classes in net.sf.morph.transform.converters that implement ExplicitTransformer
 class ArbitraryObjectMappingConverter
          A transformer which transforms defined arbitrary objects to other defined arbitrary objects based on this class' mapping property.
 class ArbitraryTypeMappingConverter
          A transformer which transforms objects which are instances of a type into other defined objects based on this class' mapping property.
 class BaseToPrettyTextConverter
          Base class for converts that convert objects to a pretty programmer-friendly representation using information retrieved using a reflector.
 class BeanToPrettyTextConverter
           Converts a bean to a textual representation (String or StringBuffer only).
 class BooleanToTextConverter
          Converts boolean values to text values.
 class ConstantConverter
          Converter that always returns a certain destination object.
 class ContainerToPrettyTextConverter
           Converts a container to a textual representation (String or StringBuffer only).
 class ContainerToTraverserConverter
          Converts an object to a traverser type (an Iterator or an Enumeration).
 class ConverterDecorator
          Decorates any Converter so that it implements DecoratedConverter.
 class DefaultToBooleanConverter
          Converts any object to a Boolean by delegating to TextToBooleanConverter, NumberToBooleanConverter and ObjectToBooleanConverter.
 class DefaultToTextConverter
          Converts an object to a textual representation by delegating to ContainerToPrettyTextConverter, BooleanToTextConverter, TimeToTextConverter, NumberToTextConverter and ObjectToTextConverter.
 class EvaluateExpressionConverter
          A Converter that returns the result of evaluating a property against an object using a DecoratedLanguage.
 class IdentityConverter
          Converts objects that are already instances of the destination class by simply returning the object unchanged.
 class ImmutableTypesOnlyIdentityConverter
          An identity converter that only converts immutable types.
 class NullConverter
          Deprecated. an IdentityConverter can do the same thing.
 class NumberConverter
          Converts a number from one number type to another.
 class NumberToBooleanConverter
          Converts numbers to boolean values.
 class NumberToTextConverter
          Converts Numbers into basic text types (String, StringBuffer or Character).
 class NumberToTimeConverter
 class ObjectToBooleanConverter
          Converts any object to a Boolean.
 class ObjectToClassConverter
          Converts an object into that object's class.
 class ObjectToPrettyTextConverter
 class ObjectToTextConverter
          Converts an object to a textual representation by calling the object's toString method.
 class PrimitiveWrapperConverter
          Converts primitive objects to their Object wrappers and vice-versa.
 class TextConverter
          Converts text types (String, StringBuffer and Character, char[] and byte[] from one type to another.
 class TextToBooleanConverter
          Converts text values to Booleans.
 class TextToClassConverter
          Converts a basic text type (String or StringBuffer) into a Class.
 class TextToNumberConverter
          Converts basic text types into primitive numbers or Number objects.
 class TextToTimeConverter
 class TimeConverter
          Converts information from one of the basic time types to the other.
 class TimeToNumberConverter
 class TimeToTextConverter
          Converts the basic time types (Date and Calendar) to one of the text types ( String, StringBuffer and Character).

Uses of ExplicitTransformer in net.sf.morph.transform.copiers

Classes in net.sf.morph.transform.copiers that implement ExplicitTransformer
 class ArrayCopier
          TODO tests with 3-dimensional arrays
 class AssemblerCopier
          A copier that copies multiple source objects to a single destination object, implementing an "Assembler."
 class AssemblyCopierSupport
          Support for AssemblerCopier/DisassemblerCopier.
 class BasePropertyNameCopier
          Base class for copiers that copy information from one bean to another based on the property names in the source and destination objects.
 class CombiningCopier
          Combines all of the contents of a container into a single container.
 class ConditionalCopier
          This copier uses an if Converter to convert an incoming object to a Boolean.
 class ContainerCopier
           Copies information from any container object to any object that has either a GrowableContainerReflectoror a MutableIndexedContainerReflector.
 class ContainerOfBeansCopier
          Deprecated. it's not clear what the intent of this copier was
 class CopierDecorator
          Decorates any Copier so that it implements DecoratedCopier.
 class CumulativeCopier
          Composite Transformer whose children must be Copiers and which invokes each child Copier in turn in the course of performing a copy operation.
 class DisassemblerCopier
          A copier that copies a source to multiple destination objects, implementing a "Disassembler."
 class ImmutableComponentArrayCopier
          Copies arrays of matching immutable component types using System.arraycopy.
 class MapCopier
          Copies one Map to another.
 class MultipleDestinationConverter
          Deprecated. since v1.1 in favor of DisassemblerCopier
 class NOPCopier
          No-op Copier / instantiation-only Converter.
 class PropertyExpressionMappingCopier
          Maps property expressions between objects using a Morph Language.
 class PropertyNameMappingCopier
          Copies properties from the source to the destination based on a mapping of property names.
 class PropertyNameMatchingCopier
          Copies the properties specified by the propertiesToCopy property of this class from the source to the destination.
 class SetExpressionCopier
          Uses a DecoratedLanguage to set the property denoted by an expression on the destination object.
 class TextToContainerCopier
          Parses text into multiple parts for storage in a container.

Uses of ExplicitTransformer in net.sf.morph.transform.transformers

Classes in net.sf.morph.transform.transformers that implement ExplicitTransformer
 class BaseCompositeTransformer
 class BaseReflectorTransformer
          A base class for transformers that are implemented using a Reflector.
 class BaseTransformer
           Convenient base class for transformers.
 class ChainedTransformer
          Runs one or more transformers in a chain.
 class SimpleDelegatingTransformer
           Delegates transformations to a list of transformers.
 class TransformerDecorator
          Decorates any Transformer so that it implements DecoratedTransformer.
 class TypeChangingGraphTransformer
           A transformer that performs a deep copy of the data in an object graph while also allowing the types in the destination graph to be different than the types in the source graph.

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