Uses of Class

Packages that use TransformationException
net.sf.morph Core classes for use by other parts of the Morph framework. 
net.sf.morph.integration.commons.beanutils Integration with Apache Commons Beanutils. 
net.sf.morph.lang Defines basic Languages used to retrieve and set information in bean-like objects. 
net.sf.morph.lang.languages Language implementations. 
net.sf.morph.transform Defines a standard way to transform information from one format or source to another. 
net.sf.morph.transform.copiers Copier implementations. 
net.sf.morph.transform.transformers Transformer implementations. 
net.sf.morph.util Utility classes used to implement the Morph framework. 

Uses of TransformationException in net.sf.morph

Methods in net.sf.morph that throw TransformationException
static java.lang.Object Morph.convert(java.lang.Class destinationClass, java.lang.Object source)
          Converts the given source into an object of class destinationClass.
static java.lang.Object Morph.convert(java.lang.Class destinationClass, java.lang.Object source, java.util.Locale locale)
          Converts the given source into an object of class destinationClass.
static java.math.BigDecimal Morph.convertToBigDecimal(java.lang.Object source)
          Converts the given source into a BigDecimal.
static java.math.BigDecimal Morph.convertToBigDecimal(java.lang.Object source, java.util.Locale locale)
          Converts the given source into a BigDecimal.
static java.math.BigInteger Morph.convertToBigInteger(java.lang.Object source)
          Converts the given source into a BigInteger.
static java.math.BigInteger Morph.convertToBigInteger(java.lang.Object source, java.util.Locale locale)
          Converts the given source into a BigInteger.
static boolean Morph.convertToBoolean(java.lang.Object source)
          Converts the given source into a boolean.
static java.lang.Boolean Morph.convertToBooleanObject(java.lang.Object source)
          Converts the given source into a Boolean.
static byte Morph.convertToByte(java.lang.Object source)
          Converts the given source into a byte.
static byte Morph.convertToByte(java.lang.Object source, java.util.Locale locale)
          Converts the given source into a byte.
static java.lang.Byte Morph.convertToByteObject(java.lang.Object source)
          Converts the given source into a Byte.
static java.lang.Byte Morph.convertToByteObject(java.lang.Object source, java.util.Locale locale)
          Converts the given source into a Byte.
static java.util.Calendar Morph.convertToCalendar(java.lang.Object source)
          Converts the given source into a Calendar.
static java.util.Calendar Morph.convertToCalendar(java.lang.Object source, java.util.Locale locale)
          Converts the given source into a Calendar.
static java.util.Date Morph.convertToDate(java.lang.Object source)
          Converts the given source into a Date.
static java.util.Date Morph.convertToDate(java.lang.Object source, java.util.Locale locale)
          Converts the given source into a Date.
static double Morph.convertToDouble(java.lang.Object source)
          Converts the given source into a double.
static double Morph.convertToDouble(java.lang.Object source, java.util.Locale locale)
          Converts the given source into a double.
static java.lang.Double Morph.convertToDoubleObject(java.lang.Object source)
          Converts the given source into a Double.
static java.lang.Double Morph.convertToDoubleObject(java.lang.Object source, java.util.Locale locale)
          Converts the given source into a Double.
static float Morph.convertToFloat(java.lang.Object source)
          Converts the given source into a float.
static float Morph.convertToFloat(java.lang.Object source, java.util.Locale locale)
          Converts the given source into a float.
static java.lang.Float Morph.convertToFloatObject(java.lang.Object source)
          Converts the given source into a Float.
static java.lang.Float Morph.convertToFloatObject(java.lang.Object source, java.util.Locale locale)
          Converts the given source into a Float.
static int Morph.convertToInt(java.lang.Object source)
          Converts the given source into a int.
static int Morph.convertToInt(java.lang.Object source, java.util.Locale locale)
          Converts the given source into a int.
static java.lang.Integer Morph.convertToIntegerObject(java.lang.Object source)
          Converts the given source into a Integer.
static java.lang.Integer Morph.convertToIntegerObject(java.lang.Object source, java.util.Locale locale)
          Converts the given source into a Integer.
static long Morph.convertToLong(java.lang.Object source)
          Converts the given source into a long.
static long Morph.convertToLong(java.lang.Object source, java.util.Locale locale)
          Converts the given source into a long.
static java.lang.Long Morph.convertToLongObject(java.lang.Object source)
          Converts the given source into a Long.
static java.lang.Long Morph.convertToLongObject(java.lang.Object source, java.util.Locale locale)
          Converts the given source into a Long.
static java.lang.String Morph.convertToPrettyString(java.lang.Object source)
          Converts the given source into a String that displays the information contained in the object in a format good for debugging.
static java.lang.String Morph.convertToString(java.lang.Object source)
          Converts the given source into a String.
static java.lang.String Morph.convertToString(java.lang.Object source, java.util.Locale locale)
          Converts the given source into a String.
static void Morph.copy(java.lang.Object destination, java.lang.Object source)
           Copies information from the given source to the given destination.
static void Morph.copy(java.lang.Object destination, java.lang.Object source, java.util.Locale locale)
           Copies information from the given source to the given destination.
static java.lang.Object Morph.get(java.lang.Object target, java.lang.String expression, java.lang.Class destinationClass)
          Retrieve the information indicated by expression from target as the type indicated by destinationClass.
static java.lang.Object Morph.get(java.lang.Object target, java.lang.String expression, java.lang.Class destinationClass, java.util.Locale locale)
          Retrieve the information indicated by expression from target as the type indicated by destinationClass.
static java.lang.Object Morph.get(java.lang.Object target, java.lang.String expression, java.util.Locale locale, java.lang.Class destinationClass)
          Retrieve the information indicated by expression from target as the type indicated by destinationClass.
static void Morph.set(java.lang.Object target, java.lang.String expression, java.lang.Object value)
          Sets the information indicated by expression on target.
static void Morph.set(java.lang.Object target, java.lang.String expression, java.lang.Object value, java.util.Locale locale)
          Sets the information indicated by expression on target.

Uses of TransformationException in net.sf.morph.integration.commons.beanutils

Methods in net.sf.morph.integration.commons.beanutils that throw TransformationException
protected  java.lang.Object BeanUtilsConverter.convertImpl(java.lang.Class destinationClass, java.lang.Object source, java.util.Locale locale)
          The implementation of the convert method, which may omit the invalid argument checks already performed by this base class.

Uses of TransformationException in net.sf.morph.lang

Methods in net.sf.morph.lang that throw TransformationException
 java.lang.Object DecoratedLanguage.get(java.lang.Object target, java.lang.String expression, java.lang.Class destinationClass)
          Retrieve the information indicated by expression from target as the type indicated by destinationClass.
 java.lang.Object DecoratedLanguage.get(java.lang.Object target, java.lang.String expression, java.lang.Class destinationClass, java.util.Locale locale)
          Retrieve the information indicated by expression from target as the type indicated by destinationClass.
 java.lang.Object DecoratedLanguage.get(java.lang.Object target, java.lang.String expression, java.util.Locale locale, java.lang.Class destinationClass)
          Deprecated. why would we need both signatures (Object, String, Locale, Class) and (Object, String, Class, Locale)?
 void DecoratedLanguage.set(java.lang.Object target, java.lang.String expression, java.lang.Object value)
          Sets the information indicated by expression on target.value will be automatically converted to a type appropriate for the given expression.
 void DecoratedLanguage.set(java.lang.Object target, java.lang.String expression, java.lang.Object value, java.util.Locale locale)
          Sets the information indicated by expression on target.value will be automatically converted to a type appropriate for the given expression.

Uses of TransformationException in net.sf.morph.lang.languages

Methods in net.sf.morph.lang.languages that throw TransformationException
 java.lang.Object BaseLanguage.get(java.lang.Object target, java.lang.String expression, java.lang.Class destinationClass)
          Retrieve the information indicated by expression from target as the type indicated by destinationClass.
 java.lang.Object BaseLanguage.get(java.lang.Object target, java.lang.String expression, java.lang.Class destinationClass, java.util.Locale locale)
          Retrieve the information indicated by expression from target as the type indicated by destinationClass.
 java.lang.Object BaseLanguage.get(java.lang.Object target, java.lang.String expression, java.util.Locale locale, java.lang.Class destinationClass)
          Retrieve the information indicated by expression from target as the type indicated by destinationClass.
 void BaseLanguage.set(java.lang.Object target, java.lang.String expression, java.lang.Object value, java.util.Locale locale)
          Sets the information indicated by expression on target.value will be automatically converted to a type appropriate for the given expression.

Uses of TransformationException in net.sf.morph.transform

Methods in net.sf.morph.transform that throw TransformationException
 java.lang.Object DecoratedConverter.convert(java.lang.Class destinationClass, java.lang.Object source)
          Converts the given source into an object of class destinationClass.
 java.lang.Object Converter.convert(java.lang.Class destinationClass, java.lang.Object source, java.util.Locale locale)
          Converts the given source into an object of class destinationClass.
 void DecoratedCopier.copy(java.lang.Object destination, java.lang.Object source)
           Copies information from the given source to the given destination.
 void Copier.copy(java.lang.Object destination, java.lang.Object source, java.util.Locale locale)
           Copies information from the given source to the given destination.
 boolean DecoratedConverter.equals(java.lang.Object object1, java.lang.Object object2)
          Tests if object1 and object2 are equivalent with respect to this converter.
 boolean DecoratedConverter.equals(java.lang.Object object1, java.lang.Object object2, java.util.Locale locale)
          Tests if object1 and object2 are equivalent with respect to this converter.
 boolean ExplicitTransformer.isTransformable(java.lang.Class destinationType, java.lang.Class sourceType)
          Specifies which source classes are transformable to which destination classes.

Uses of TransformationException in net.sf.morph.transform.copiers

Methods in net.sf.morph.transform.copiers that throw TransformationException
protected  void PropertyNameMappingCopier.copyImpl(java.lang.Object destination, java.lang.Object source, java.util.Locale locale, java.lang.Integer preferredTransformationType)
          Implementation of the copy method.
protected  void CopierDecorator.copyImpl(java.lang.Object destination, java.lang.Object source, java.util.Locale locale, java.lang.Integer preferredTransformationType)
          Implementation of the copy method.
protected  void ContainerCopier.copyImpl(java.lang.Object destination, java.lang.Object source, java.util.Locale locale, java.lang.Integer preferredTransformationType)
          Implementation of the copy method.
protected  void CombiningCopier.copyImpl(java.lang.Object destination, java.lang.Object source, java.util.Locale locale, java.lang.Integer preferredTransformationType)
          Implementation of the copy method.
protected  java.lang.Class[] ArrayCopier.getDestinationClassesImpl()
          Transformer.getDestinationClasses() implementation template method.
protected  java.lang.Object ConditionalCopier.transform(java.lang.Class destinationType, java.lang.Object destination, java.lang.Object source, java.util.Locale locale, java.lang.Integer preferredTransformationType)
          Do the transformation.

Uses of TransformationException in net.sf.morph.transform.transformers

Methods in net.sf.morph.transform.transformers that throw TransformationException
 java.lang.Object BaseTransformer.convert(java.lang.Class destinationClass, java.lang.Object source)
          DecoratedConverter.convert(Class, Object)
 void BaseTransformer.copy(java.lang.Object destination, java.lang.Object source)
          DecoratedCopier.copy(Object, Object)
 void BaseTransformer.copy(java.lang.Object destination, java.lang.Object source, java.util.Locale locale)
          Copier.copy(Object, Object, Locale)
 boolean BaseTransformer.equals(java.lang.Object object1, java.lang.Object object2)
          Locale-independent test between two objects for equality.
 java.lang.Class[] BaseTransformer.getDestinationClasses()
          Defines the types of objects that can be used as information sources by this transformer.
 java.lang.Class[] BaseTransformer.getSourceClasses()
          Defines the types of objects that can be used as information sources by this transformer.
protected  void BaseTransformer.initialize()
          Initialize this Transformer
 boolean BaseTransformer.isTransformable(java.lang.Class destinationType, java.lang.Class sourceType)
          Specifies which source classes are transformable to which destination classes.

Uses of TransformationException in net.sf.morph.util

Methods in net.sf.morph.util that throw TransformationException
static java.lang.Object TransformerUtils.transform(Transformer transformer, java.lang.Class destinationType, java.lang.Object destination, java.lang.Object source, java.util.Locale locale, java.lang.Integer preferredTransformationType)
          Performs a transformation of one object graph into another object graph.

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